Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Where is God when we hurt? Where is God when disaster falls upon us?
Where is God when a child is sick, or when someone we love dies suddenly?
I have often heard people say these things. Why is it that we are all quick to blame God when something goes wrong? How often then, do we praise him when something goes right? Let’s go one step further. In a day, how often do we acknowledge God just because the sun is shining? Or as were running for a bus or scrolling down a computer screen. Perhaps we should think about him then, when we do not need him, when for no other reason in our lives but to just acknowledge a God who hung on the gallows to prove once and for all, with pierced hands and blood-stained face – that, he is here. That he did not create the hurt, but came to take it away.

When you hurt, and when no one is there to listen to you; God listens to you. Sometimes storms of life come to teach us that God is in control. We must lean on him and learn to be thankful for even the smallest things in life.

Let’s think of God even when the darkness comes into our lives. Even when we don’t understand the whys? Especially when the unexpected things happen in our lives and they don’t make sense.

“Nothing is louder than the silence of God. But Father, forgive us for the times we’ve interpreted your silence, as a lack of love. Give us patience, for we know you’ll answer … if only we will wait.”

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ask Him

What Do You Want?

"What do you want?" Jesus asks you.
"I saw you following me."he says to you. What do you do? Standing there as he turns to look into your eyes and soul. You feel compelled to reach out and touch him. Now this of course is just a test. But, what if we were seeking Jesus, like so many good christians often do. When we found him what then, would we want. So I ask you again. If Jesus was standing there right now and he asks you this question."What do you want?" What then would be your answer. Do you even know what you want? Do you want all the riches of the world, or do you dive deeper and ask for the true meaning behind lifes secrets, the things that God shields our eyes from.
Do you seek forgiveness or healing. There is so much misery and sickness in this world. Would you ask for world peace? The end to the war. Would you ask for Money?
I am going to put this to any one out there....... answer the question and think of whom is asking and then stop close your eyes and tell me what your response is......... I am waiting 


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Support Haiti Disaster Relief

Blogger Buzz: Support Haiti Disaster Relief

Reaching Out

Reaching Out

     I am a mother a wife a business woman and I am also a writer. I am all of those things not because I have said that I am, but because God has blessed me. He has brought many good and loving and spiritual people to my life . Some I recognized and others I did not. Some I ignored and some I listened to. I will not leave this earth with any regrets. When I meet my maker it will be with no lies on my lips, no malice in my heart and I will not have been perfect but it will be with a humble heart and it will be with the thought that I did as Jesus wanted me to, reach out to others…..
Our Biblical act of worship is not what we do on Sunday mornings in our good Sunday suits , but our act of worship is a lifelong everyday process of placing ourselves upon an altar of sacrifice.
Worship is living the principles of Christ in everything we do. We are worshipping God by what we do all week long by the principles that govern us.. Certainly not by the materials or worldly goods we own.
I once read a beautiful article on the internet and I will quote what it was;

God does not care about what car you drive, he only cares who of your neighbors in need you gave transportation to.
God does not care about how many friends you have he only cares how many to whom you were a friend. God does not care how many clothes you have in your closet, he only cares how many did you help to clothe.

God doesn't care about what neighborhood you live in , he only cares how you treated your neighbor. God does not care about the color of your skin he only cares about the content of your character.

So you see reaching out to all people of different nations skin colors and heritage is what God cares about.What is the difference between a Christian who is reaching out to people and trying to help others– and a Christian who goes to church every Sunday and only sits there looking good to all who see him. The difference is the Christian who reaches out to those less fortunate or those in need of friendship or who need comfort do so because they know God and they love Jesus.

When you take food to the poor that is an act of worship, when you give a word of kindness to someone who needs it, that’s an act of worship. When you go out of your way to lend someone money or to give someone something they did not have before , that is an act of worship. When you sit down and take time out of your own busy and hectic schedule, to give strength to someone or to open the bible and teach them the word of God. That’s an act of worship.

We are living in a fast-moving crazy world. Where what we own and “What's in it for me” are the words of the day. We need to build bridges between our hearts and those people who need us. There is so much need in this world. Just look at the news and you will see why we have to band together to worship and serve all those who are less fortunate.
Let us not look only at what we can see, let us not help only those who need re-election or friends and family who need favors, but let us see the world through Gods eyes and let us ask him to open our hearts and our minds and our eyes to the real spiritual truth. That Jesus is out there, let us not pass him by in the street let us not only help the ones who need help, let us reach out to all those who have no voices to cry out for it.